Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The surgery went well!

Cruz had his first of two eye surgeries this morning. Today we did another probe to clear the obstruction of his ducts and then they inserted silicon tubes so that the ducts can stretch to avoid the obstruction from happening again. As some of you know he has already had one surgery (last year same month) to clear obstruction of his "tear" ducts. And well, it came back. Poor little guy....
He is a fighter; the surgery went well, it was 20 minutes quick and within a few hours he was home watching his noggin channel, dancing to his favorite cartoons, and spinning around on his head. There will be more tearing and some bloody tears and nose for a while, the tears will probably last until they pull the tubes out in six months. We could use your prayers that Cruz cooperates and does not do anything to pull the tubes out. We want to be sure that they stay in long enough so that ducts have the opportunity to stretch. So if all goes well he will move on to his eye muscle surgery to correct the strabismus (cross-eye). Thanks to everyone to prays for him and his good health. We applaud you Cruz!

Monday, October 13, 2008

It is time for the 2008 Buddy Walk


Although we are getting a late start this year we are ready to start our fundraising efforts, full steam ahead. Many of you donated last year (xoxoxoxo's to all who did), and some of you are reading about this for the first time. Whom ever you are please take time to read, click on the link, and consider donating and/or joining us for the walk. It would be even better if you joined in as a team member to help in the fundraising efforts. By joining Cruz's team you help to send out emails, encourage others to donate or even participate. Every effort, whether it be monetary or by coming out and walking to spread the awareness, you do for Cruz and all people who have Down Syndrome is appreciated. Your donation, your time, and your effort is for a great cause. Money raised in this event is going to help make this organization stronger so that they can reach out to families and those with DS to help make things a bit easier. The DSNetwork organizes family events, educational seminars for parents, financial advice for future planning of our children with DS, medical research seminars, nutritional clinics, a web based chat group providing a wealth of information (I have learned things I would have never thought about asking). I could go on and on with a list of great things this group does. In the end they would not be able to provide such a service to the community without your support. On a personal level, people like Cruz benefit greatly when there are services like this one in existence. Acceptance and inclusion of all kids with DS has come a long way. These kids are doing great things and society is opening the doors for them. Please help to keep the opportunities coming and those doors open, spread the awareness and donate what you can (even change helps). As always your prayers are welcome, we love when you pray for our son!

The Buddy Walk of Central Arizona is a walk to raise awareness and to support those who we love with Down Syndrome. Click on the Buddy Walk link to the right of the screen to make your donation today. If you want to join our team efforts to raise money or you want to join us for the walk you can do all this by clicking on the link. If you need help doing any of this or have questions please email me or call. Thank you as always! You all are very special to us and we appreciate you!